The Saybrook Platform was composed in 1708 in colonial Connecticut. In matters of church polity and practice, the Platform’s framers were able to strike a unique and irenic balance between Congregationalist and Presbyterian approaches. In matters of doctrine, they sincerely and happily swam in a Reformed “river” while not binding consciences to any particular “stream” thereof. In the words of its framers: “As to what appertains to soundness of judgment in matters of faith, we esteem it sufficient that a church acknowledge the Scriptures to be the word of God, the perfect and only rule of faith and practice, and own [subscribe to] either the doctrinal part of those commonly called the Articles of the Church of England, or the Confession or Catechisms, shorter or larger, compiled by the Assembly at Westminster, or the Confession agreed on at the Savoy.” And in matters of true faith’s unity of mind and heart, the Saybrook signatories adjured their readers: “It is not enough to believe well. You run yourself into the greatest hazard unless you be careful to live well.” And so, in that spirit, Saybrook Ministries happily links arms with Christian individuals, churches and ministries that demonstrate (1) fidelity to the authority and inerrancy of the Christian scriptures, (2) clarity in their proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and (3) commitment to the Bible’s story of a God who graciously, and sovereignly, redeems His chosen people. Additionally, Saybrook Ministries receives inspiration and nourishment from (1) the literary and theological milieu of Puritan preachers and pastors, whose faith in a saving and sovereign God in the midst of desperate circumstances and an adverse culture was expressed with a unique blend of personal piety and intellectual rigor; and, (2) the aesthetic of the churches and meeting houses in colonial New England, where ministers labored to set self aside as they climbed into the pulpit to exposit the unadorned, all-sufficient Word of God.
Saybrook Ministries’ vision is to inspire and invigorate Christians with imaginative and intellectual content.
Saybrook Ministries’ mission is to provide didactic and devotional content from the Christian faith delivered to the saints; recovered and refined by the Protestant Reformation.
Saybrook Ministries’ prayer is that our content will be (1) to Christians convinced of Reformation truths: encouraging & powerful; (2) to Christians unconvinced of Reformation truths: educational & persuasive; (3) to non-Christians: engaging & prophetic.
Saybrook Ministries’ four foundational scriptures are: The words of the LORD are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times (Psalm 12:6). The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action. And the wise among the people shall make many understand (Daniel 11:32b-33a). And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD have not forsaken those who seek you (Psalm 9:10). Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth (Hosea 6:3).
Saybrook Ministries’ founder is Ben Keller. He currently serves as an elder at Refuge Church in Lynnwood, Washington.